
When a Student Transfers Into Your School

If a transfer student’s testing accommodations were approved by College Board while the student attended another school, it is important to notify College Board of the change.

The student should inform the SSD coordinator at their new school. They should also provide the SSD coordinator with their SSD number (available on their eligibility letter or by contacting SSD).

The SSD coordinator should record the transfer with SSD Online. Select Transfer Student Into My School from the top-right corner of the dashboard. Follow the instructions on the screen and click Submit.

If the student is requesting different accommodations from those approved, new documentation may be required for College Board review.


If a student received an accommodation at another school, is it still valid when they take the SAT at their new school?

Usually, yes. But the student must notify the SSD coordinator at their new school. Read our policies for transfer students.

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Transferring Students Into Your School Online

Step-by-step directions to adding a student through your SSD Online dashboard.


Making Changes to Your Accommodation

Details on how to change, add, or remove accommodations.