Administering the SAT Weekend with Accommodations
Before a student can take the SAT with accommodations, they must have approval from SSD.
If you're administering the SAT with accommodations, remember that most students testing with accommodations take the SAT at test centers, and some accommodations are not available at test centers. Students approved for school-based accommodations generally test at their school.
Complete the SSD school-testing calendar.
Be sure to complete the SSD school-testing calendar, which can be accessed through SSD Online, to confirm your availability to test your students.
Schedule the SAT.
The SAT must be administered within the seven-day period that begins with the Saturday national test day. The SSD coordinator at the testing school determines the specific date, start time, and location within the school, and then notifies students. All students testing at the same school must begin on the same day.
Testing may begin on any day within the testing window (Saturday through the following Friday), but it’s best to begin testing as early as possible so you can return the answer sheets promptly and allow for timely reporting of student scores.
Note: For the August administration, there is an alternate testing window in September for schools that cannot test in August.