When a Request Is Denied

When a request for accommodations is denied or not fully approved, College Board sends a letter explaining the decision. Most denials fall into either of these categories:

  1. More Information Is Needed
    If the decision letter asks for more information, families and schools should work together to gather and submit the missing documentation following College Board guidelines. (Remember that the approval process cannot begin until all documentation is received.)
  2. Documentation Does Not Support Some or All of the Requested Accommodations
    In some cases, documentation may be submitted but may not demonstrate a functional impairment to support the requested accommodations. Your decision letter will explain why requested accommodations were not approved.

If you wish to resubmit your request, you may need to submit different or additional documentation that follows College Board guidelines. (Remember that a doctor’s note or an existing IEP or 504 plan may not be sufficient for the requested accommodation to be approved.)

Please note, if you were not approved for an accommodation, simply requesting a different accommodation without providing any additional information will likely not result in immediate approval of your request. For example, requesting a lesser amount of extended time without additional documentation will not change the College Board decision.

  1. Sometimes only part of your request may be approved. This may happen for either of these reasons: SSD has determined that the partial accommodations will be sufficient for the College Board test; or
  2. Documentation did not support all the requested accommodations.

If you believe that those approved accommodations will not be sufficient, submit new documentation to College Board to support the need for the denied accommodations. Before resubmitting, however, please take time to consider the approved accommodations.


Is there any way to trim the processing time for accommodations requests?

The most efficient way to submit an accommodations request is to work with the school’s SSD coordinator who can submit through SSD Online. A request that can be school-verified may take as little as five days, while a request that is not submitted by the school may take up to seven weeks. Always check documentation against SSD guidelines, so that you will not have to resubmit and delay processing.

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How to Provide Documentation

Learn the seven basic criteria for documentation and find documentation guidelines listed by accommodation and/or by disability.