Other Accommodations

Learn the easiest, most efficient way to request accommodations for a College Board test.

The accommodations listed below are not intended to be exhaustive; College Board reviews all reasonable requests for accommodations from students with documented disabilities.

Timing and Scheduling Accommodations

  • Extended time
  • Breaks
  • Limited-time testing (testing over multiple days) may or may not include extra time

Presentation Accommodations

  • Human reader (who reads the entire test)
  • Assistive technology: Screen reader/ Text-to-speech
  • Signing for orally presented instructions
  • Use of auditory amplification/frequency modulation format
  • Large print (14 point, 20 point, or other formats)
  • Printed copy of verbal instructions
  • Visual magnification (magnifier or magnifying machine). Electronic magnifiers cannot have any capabilities for recording, storage, snapshot or transmission of data, picture, text, or other information. Any computer or monitor connected to the magnifier must not copy, store, or print magnified images.
  • Colored overlays
  • Braille
  • Braille graphs
  • Braille device for written responses

Response Accommodations

  • Computer for paper AP exams (without spell-check, grammar-check, suggested text, or cut-and-paste features)
  • Verbal responses dictated to scribe
  • Assistive technology: Speech-to-text
  • Record answers in test booklet (Paper AP exams only)
  • Large-print (large-block) answer sheet (no bubbles) (Paper AP exams only)

Math Calculation Accommodations

  • Four-function calculator on non-calculator sections (Paper AP exams only)

Setting Accommodations

  • Small group setting
  • Preferential seating
  • Wheelchair accessibility
  • School-based setting
  • One-to-one setting

Physical or Medical Accommodations

  • Permission for food, drink, or medication
  • Permission to test blood sugar: permits access to most diabetes testing supplies (i.e., blood glucose meters, insulin-delivery devices, test strips, lancets, lancet devices, glucose control solutions, blood glucose monitors, and continuous blood glucose monitors).
    • Use of a cellphone is not permitted without the expressed approval of College Board. Students requesting access to their cell phone to manage blood or sugar levels should specify whether they have access to an external receiver other than a cell phone.
  • Epinephrine auto-injectors (e.g., EpiPens) are permitted in the testing room without the need for accommodations. They must be placed in a clear bag and stored under the student’s desk during testing.


If a student needs more than one accommodation, do I have to apply for each one individually?

No. You can request multiple accommodations on the same application. But each accommodation must be specifically requested and have supporting documentation.

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If the student has an IEP or 504 plan in place, do they still need to submit a request for accommodation?

Yes, Individualized Education Plans (IEPs), 504 plans, and doctor's notes are usually not sufficient by themselves. Each request must be supported by documentation, including appropriate academic and diagnostic test scores.

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Know Your Dates and Deadlines

If a request is not submitted in time, accommodations might not be approved and in place in time for test day. Check the calendar for this year’s test dates and deadlines.