
Taking the SAT with Accommodations

Before taking the SAT with accommodations, students with documented disabilities must get approval from College Board’s Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD).

Test Centers

Most students—including those testing with accommodations—take the SAT at test centers. These are some accommodations that may be provided at a test center:

  • Time and one-half (+50%)
  • Double time (+100%)
  • Extra breaks
  • Extended breaks
  • Breaks as needed

School-Based Testing

Students approved for school-based accommodations usually test at the school they attend. Students who do not attend a school should contact SSD to arrange for a test date and location. These are some accommodations that may be provided only at the student's school:

  • Dictation
  • Screen reader/ Text-to-Speech
  • One-to-one test setting

Before Test Day

Families should check with the school's SSD coordinator to make sure accommodations are in place and no further documentation is required—especially if the student was approved at another school or the family did not go through the school to request accommodations. If a student is approved for school-based accommodations, it is important to notify the SSD coordinator of the dates that you intend to test.

On Test Day

What to Know About Extended Time

  • Students approved for extended time in reading will receive extended time for the entire test because all test sections require some reading.
  • Students approved for extended time in math only will receive extended time only for the Math Test.
  • Extended time in written expression, speaking and listening, does not apply to the SAT.

Under standard conditions, the SAT takes 2 hours and 14 minutes with one break. If you are approved for additional accommodations or taking the SAT with essay the entire testing time may be longer.

  • With time and one-half (+50%), the SAT takes 3 hours and 21 minutes, plus breaks.
  • With double time (+100%), the SAT takes 4 hours and 28 minutes, plus breaks.

Approval for Extended Time May Include Extra Breaks

When taking the SAT, students approved to test with extended time will also be provided extra breaks when extended time is used.

What to Know About Breaks

All students who take the SAT under standard testing conditions are provided breaks. Snacks may be consumed during breaks, but only students approved for a food, drink, or medication accommodation are allowed to eat in the testing room.

Some students with disabilities are approved for additional break time. Break time does not count toward testing time—the clock stops.

Below are details on extra and extended breaks accommodations for the SAT:

  • Extra Breaks: Students are provided two additional 5-minute breaks.
  • Extended Breaks: Students are provided one 20-minute break. They break at the same points as test takers without disabilities. If you are taking the SAT with essay please reach out to your school for additional information about extended breaks during that SAT administration.
  • Breaks as needed: Students may break at any time during the exam for as long as needed—within reason.


If I’ve had accommodations approved for a prior College Board test, do I still have to make an accommodations request for the SAT?

Probably not—as long as you are asking for the same accommodations. However, you should always check with your school’s SSD coordinator well before the application deadline. Also, if you plan on requesting different accommodations, you will need to reapply.

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Administering the SAT Weekend with Accommodations

Information for SSD coordinators on administering the SAT exam with accommodations.