

Although many College Board exams include scheduled breaks, students with certain documented disabilities may need additional or longer breaks. For instance, some students with medical or physical disabilities may request breaks to take medication, test blood sugar, rest, stretch, or use the restroom. Please note, additional accommodations, such as permission to eat, permission to take medication, or permission to test blood sugar, must be specifically requested.


Students with certain medical or physical disabilities may request breaks to:

  • Take medication
  • Test blood sugar
  • Rest
  • Use the restroom

Some students with ADHD find extra breaks helpful if they have difficulty focusing for extended periods.


Common types of requested breaks are:

  • Extra breaks: These breaks are a standard length—usually 5 minutes—and are given at scheduled times.
  • Extended breaks: These breaks are longer than the standard length and given at scheduled times.
  • Breaks as needed: These breaks are most often granted for certain medical conditions. The breaks are not counted as testing time.

Administering Breaks

Bluebook handles accommodated breaks for each student as follows:

  • Students approved for extra breaks receive breaks automatically between modules and sections of the test. The student doesn’t need to pause the test.
  • Students approved for extended (longer) breaks receive breaks that are twice as long as the breaks they would otherwise receive. They won’t need to pause the test.
  • Students approved for breaks as needed will see a Pause button that allows them to activate a break whenever it’s needed. The number and length of breaks will vary.
  • Extended time testing includes additional breaks between relevant modules of the test and may include a longer nutrition break between sections.



Documentation Guidelines: Breaks

Read a description of how this accommodation is administered on College Board exams.


Know Your Dates and Deadlines

If a request is not submitted in time, accommodations might not be approved and in place in time for test day. Check the calendar for this year’s test dates and deadlines.

Learn the easiest, most efficient way to request accommodations for a College Board test.